发布时间:2019-11-27 作者:贝尔教育 点击量:

Read the following two texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.

材料题 根据下面资料,回答26-30题

A smile is a strong sign of a friendly and open attitude and a willingness to communicate. It is a positive, silent sign sent with the hope the other person will smile back. When you smile, you show you have noticed the person in a positive way. The result? That person will usually smile back.

You might not realize a closed position is the cause of many conversational problems. A com-mon closed position is sitting with your arms and legs crossed and your hand covering your mouth or chin. This is often called the "thinking pose". Ask yourself this question: Are you going to interrupt someone who appears to be deep in thought? This position gives off "stay away" signs and prevents your main "sign sender" ( your mouth) from being seen by others looking for inviting conversational signs.

The open body position is most effective when you place yourself within communicating dis-tance of the other person--that is, within about five feet. Take care, however, not to enter someone′s "personal space" by getting too close, too soon.

Leaning forward a little while a person is talking shows your interest and how you are listening to what the person is saying. By doing this, you are saying: I hear what you′re saying, and I′m in-terested in--keep talking!

Often people will lean back with their hands over their mouth, elfin, or behind their head in the "thinking" pose. This position gives off signs of judgment, doubt, and lack of interest from the lis-tener. Since most people do not feel comfortable when they think they are being judged, this lean-ing-back position serves to prevent the speaker from continuing.

In many cultures the most common form of first contact between two people is a handshake. Be the first to extend your hand in greeting. Couple this with a friendly "Hello", a nice smile, and your name and you have made the first step to open the lines of communication.

Eye contact should be natural, not forced or overdone. Direct eye contact shows you are listen-ing to the other person and that you want to know about her.

26单选题 A person smiles to show__________.

A.he is kind and useful

B.he is happy all the time

C.he is ready to talk with you

D.he sees something funny

27单选题 According to the text,troubles in communication may result from __________ .

A.a closed body position

B.an open body position

C.no smile

D.the main“sign senders”

28单选题 Leaning back with your hands behind your head in deep thought while a person is talking __________.

A.shows you are interested in and listening to what the speaker is saying

B.shows you want to keep some distance from the speaker

C.makes him think you are thinking about something else

D.makes him believe you are not interested in his talk

29单选题 All of the following gestures encourage communication except__________.

A.leaning forward a little while a person is talking

B.crossing your alms

C.looking in others’eyes

D.extending your hand in greeting

30单选题 From the text we know that__________.

A.communication depends little on verbal language and much on body language

B.gestures always prevent the“sign sender”(mouth)

C.we should pay much attention to body language

D.eye contact is always helpful

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